


万长发1945年出生,中共党员,贵州江口人,系国家级书法师,中国书法家协会理事、中国书画家协会副主席、中华书画学会副主席、中国名人艺术协会副主席、中国文联世界名人艺术研究协会名誉主席。在国内外书画大展赛中获金奖120多次。曾参加美、英、俄、德、日、韩、意、菲、朝、波等多国国际书画交流展,2012年获联合国“国际英伦奖”授予“皇家艺术第一人”荣称2018年获“法国卢浮宫文学艺术最高荣誉勋章”,作品被法国卢浮宫永久收藏。特聘为联合国国际文化艺术家联合总会“总会理事”、“世界华人书画名家协会名誉主席”,2019年在第一届“孔子杯”(八国巡展)中国书画艺术展中获金奖,授予“中国孔子文化交流大使”荣称,作品被伦敦大学孔子学院永久收藏。在2019年博鳌中国书画品牌创新发展论坛暨中国书画品牌年度人物总结表彰大会中被评为”最具市场潜力的品牌艺术家”。曾获:“国家文化传承贡献奖”、“中国艺术特别成就奖”、“一带一路国家领导人最喜爱的文艺家”、“中国一带一路·文化传播大使”、“一带一路·国际艺术金球奖”、“中华国礼(国宾礼)特供书画艺术家”、“国家一级艺术大师”、“中国当代最具投资收藏价值书画名家”,2019 年被中书协、中美协特授予“中华德艺双馨艺术家”和“中国最具影响力 50位书法名家”等多个荣誉称号。2021年3月获“联合国艺术终身成就奖”、授予“世界艺术功勋人物”和“联合国文化艺术勋章”荣称。2021年6月荣获法国“卢浮宫世界艺术金奖”,特别授予“卢浮宫馆藏级艺术家”,聘为“卢浮宫名誉副馆长”,同月,荣获“国际艺术 梵高奖”,授子“国际文艺最具影响力人物”荣称,特聘为担任“荷兰梵高博物馆终身名誉会长”。2021年7月荣获“百年征程——永葆初心”、中华国粹-----翰墨随行。经中华人民共和国文旅部颁发“中国爱国艺术家”称号证书。经作品入编《中国书画家大辞典》(当代卷)、《世界大百科全书》(文艺卷)、《东方艺术大师》《当代艺坛骄子》《中华艺术传承典范》《传世经典·大师风范》《祖国之星》《金牌艺术家》《墨海同舟》《领航者,中国当代艺坛大师》《一带一路·一代名家》《笔墨神州·艺坛圣手》《国宝级艺术大师》《盛世中国名家》:等十多部大型书画曲籍,并出版个人书法专集六部。

Wan Changfa, born in 1945, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a native of Jiangkou, Guizhou. He is a national level calligrapher, a director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Celebrity Art Association, and Honorary Chairman of the World Celebrity Art Research Association of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Has won more than 120 gold medals in domestic and international calligraphy and painting exhibitions. He has participated in international calligraphy and painting exchange exhibitions in multiple countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, the Philippines, North Korea, and Poland. In 2012, he was awarded the "Royal Art First Person" by the United Nations "International British Award" and was awarded the "highest honor medal in literature and art at the Louvre in France" in 2018. His works are permanently collected by the Louvre in France. Specially appointed as the "General Director" of the United Nations International Federation of Cultural Artists and the "Honorary Chairman of the World Association of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters". In 2019, he won a gold medal at the first "Confucius Cup" (Eight Nation Tour) Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition and was awarded the title of "Ambassador of Chinese Confucius Cultural Exchange". His works are permanently collected by the Confucius Institute at the University of London. In the 2019 Boao Forum on Innovation and Development of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Brands and the Annual Figure Summary and Commendation Conference of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Brands, he was awarded the title of "Brand Artist with the Most Market Potential". He has won the "National Cultural Heritage Contribution Award", "Chinese Art Special Achievement Award", "the Belt and Road National Leaders' Favorite Artist", "China the Belt and Road Cultural Communication Ambassador", "the Belt and Road International Art Golden Globe Award", "Chinese National Rite (State Guest Rite) Special Calligraphy and Painting Artist", "National First class Artist", "China's Contemporary Most Valuable Calligrapher and Painter for Investment Collection", and was awarded by the Chinese Calligrapher's Association in 2019 The China US Association has awarded multiple honorary titles, such as "Chinese Artist with Both Virtue and Art" and "Top 50 Most Influential Calligraphers in China". In March 2021, he was awarded the United Nations Lifetime Achievement Award in Art, as well as the titles of "World Artistic Meritorious Figure" and "United Nations Cultural and Art Medal". In June 2021, he was awarded the "Louvre World Art Gold Award" in France, and was specially awarded the "Louvre Collection level Artist". He was appointed as the "Honorary Vice Curator of the Louvre". In the same month, he was awarded the "International Art Van Gogh Award" and his son was honored as the "Most Influential Figure in International Literature and Art". He was specially appointed as the "Lifetime Honorary President of the Van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands". In July 2021, it was awarded the title of "Centennial Journey - Forever Maintaining the Original Aspiration" and the Chinese National Essence - Hanmo Accompanying. The title certificate of "Chinese Patriotic Artist" has been issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. The works have been included in the "Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters" (Contemporary Volume), "Encyclopedia of the World" (Literary and Art Volume) More than ten large calligraphy and painting works, including "Oriental Artist", "Contemporary Artist Pride", "Chinese Art Inheritance Model", "handed down classic · master style", "Star of the motherland", "Gold medal Artist", "Ink Sea Boat", "Navigator, Chinese Contemporary Artist", "the Belt and Road · A generation of famous artists", "Brush God State · A master of the art world", "National Treasure level Artist", and "Famous Chinese Artists in the heyday", have been published, and six personal calligraphy monographs have been published.




















