
王静芬,女,1934 年 11 月 11 日出生,江苏靖江人,大学学历,并在大学书画研究班进修六年毕业。中共党员。山东省住建厅离休干部。中國美術家协会会员。中国书法家协会会员。新时代文艺领袖、中国书画 “一代宗师”。世界艺圣。国家特殊专家人才。非物质文化遗产传承人物。高级美术师。国家一级美术家。国家一级书画师。国家一级诗人。草书宗师八大家。艺坛十大领袖。文艺博士。新长城艺术家。国宝艺术家。全球华人顶级艺术大师。天之骄子。国家艺坛功勋人物。中囯文化品牌人物。航母文化軍旅艺术巨匠。二十大新文化领軍人物。荣獲联合国教科文组织授予的“联合国非遗传承人”勋章。中国文艺泰斗。世界艺术风向标人物。新时代最具收藏潜力艺术家。中囯新时代囯际艺术大师。艺术国士无双。吉尼斯最具收藏价值艺术家。 华夏艺木巨星。中國文艺界最强领头人。荣耀中國形象大使。


现任荣譽职务:中国书画收藏研究院研究员、高级院士。政协画院付院长。中国书法美术研究会名誉会长。中国艺协主席团副主席。中国国学学会副主席。首席艺术顾问。中国文化艺术发展联合会名誉主席。中国艺术产业促进会名誉主席。中国数字艺术馆馆长、中国艺术家收藏协会会长。中国传统文化研究会名誉主席。中国国家书画院副院长。中国书法美术家协会名誉主席。中国收藏学会副会长。中国翰墨大家书画院名誉院长。新华艺术网艺术委员会执行副主席。中国书画名家研究会专职副会长。中国美术学会常务副主席。中国文化艺术协会名誉会长。中国艺术工作者协会终身名誉会长。中华文艺学会副会长。 中国国学文化研究会终身名誉会长、客座教授.中国一级国学艺术家。中国诗书画联盟网名誉主席。北京当代环球书画院名誉院长。中华传统文化发展基金会名誉主席。中國东方文化研究会美术研究员。英國伦敦艺术大学客座教授。

Wang Jingfen, female, born on November 11, 1934, is from Jingjiang, Jiangsu. She holds a university degree and graduated from a university calligraphy and painting research class for six years. Member of the Communist Party of China Retired cadres from the Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development. Member of the Chinese Artists Association. Member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association. A leader in the new era of literature and art, and a great master of Chinese calligraphy and painting. World Art Saint. National special expert talents. Intangible cultural heritage inheritors. Senior artist. National first-class artist. National first-class calligrapher and painter. National level poet. Eight great masters of cursive script. Top 10 leaders in the art world. Doctor of Arts. New Great Wall artist. National Treasure Artist. Top global Chinese art masters. The proud son of heaven. A meritorious figure in the national art scene. Chinese cultural brand figures. Aircraft carrier cultural military art giant. Top 20 New Culture Leaders. Received the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor Medal from UNESCO. Chinese literary and artistic giants. World Art Vanguard Figures. The artist with the greatest potential for collection in the new era. A master of international art in the new era of China. Art is unparalleled among scholars. Guinness is the most collectible artist. Huaxia Yimu Giant. The strongest leader in the Chinese literary and artistic world. Honor China Ambassador.

A number of works have won gold awards, special awards, first prizes, gold medals, "the Belt and Road Asian Culture Special Contribution Award", the International British Award, Guinness Arts and Crafts Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Outstanding Human Contribution Award at home and abroad.

Current honorary position: Researcher and Senior Academician of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Collections. Vice President of the CPPCC Painting Academy. Honorary President of the Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Association. Vice Chairman of the Presidium of the China Arts Association. Vice Chairman of the Chinese National Studies Society. Chief Art Advisor. Honorary Chairman of the China Federation of Cultural and Art Development. Honorary Chairman of the China Association for the Promotion of the Art Industry. Director of China Digital Art Museum and President of China Artists Collection Association. Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Traditional Culture Research Association. Vice President of the National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy of China. Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Artists Association. Vice President of the Chinese Collection Society. Honorary Dean of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. Executive Vice Chairman of the Art Committee of Xinhua Art Network. Full time Vice President of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Masters Research Association. Executive Vice Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts. Honorary President of the China Cultural and Art Association. Lifetime Honorary President of the China Artists Association. Vice President of the Chinese Literature and Art Society. Lifetime Honorary President and Visiting Professor of the China National Studies and Culture Research Association. A first-class Chinese national studies artist. Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Alliance Network. Honorary Dean of Beijing Contemporary Global Painting and Calligraphy Academy. Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Traditional Culture Development Foundation. Art researcher at the China Oriental Culture Research Association. Visiting Professor at the University of the Arts London, UK.

