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Cultural Tourism Sees Strong Growth in China, with Social Me

2025-03-14 16:38:54 / 作者:郜楚云/ 来源:欧洲时刊/ 阅读:

Shanghai, 17 March 2025 – China’s cultural tourism sector is gaining international attention as more travellers seek immersive, heritage-rich experiences. Social media trends and travel data highlight a surge in interest, particularly during the recent Chinese New Year period, reinforcing the country’s growing appeal as a cultural travel destination.

One initiative contributing to this trend was the Chinese New Year Tour Global KOL China Travel Campaign, launched in mid-January by Tripadvisor and Trip.com Group, a leading global travel service provider. The campaign engaged over 40 international travel influencers, who explored ten cities across four themed routes, including Zhangzhou and Fuzhou in Fujian province, Yancheng in Jiangsu, Changzhi and Yuncheng in Shanxi, Nanchang, Lushan, and Jingdezhen in Jiangxi, as well as Changsha and Zhangjiajie in Hunan. Their content—showcasing Chinese New Year festivities, local traditions, and breathtaking landscapes—has already garnered over 80 million online views and nearly one million engagements, reaching a worldwide audience.

This is amidst the backdrop of China’s expanding visa-free policies, facilitating smoother entry for international visitors. According to immigration authorities, over 64 million foreign visitors had travelled to China in 2024, with over 20 million taking advantage of visa-free entry. The recent inclusion of ASEAN tour groups in February this year for visa-free programs in destinations like Xishuangbanna in Yunnan Province is expected to drive further growth.

Online travel trends also reflect this rising interest. Trip.com Group data reports a 7.5-fold increase in searches for Chinese lanterns, temple fairs, and theatrical performances during the Chinese New Year period compared to the previous year.

This year’s Chinese New Year celebrations were particularly significant, being the first since the festival’s recognition on UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list. As awareness of heritage preservation grows, efforts to highlight historic sites and traditional celebrations are expected to further engage travellers interested in cultural tourism.

Looking ahead, cultural events such as China Tourism Day on May 19 will continue to shine a spotlight on heritage destinations. "We are confident that such initiatives will inspire international tourists to explore cultural traditions and deepen their appreciation for global heritage," says Benny Wang, Senior Vice President of Trip.com Group.



标题:Cultural Tourism Sees Strong Growth in China, with Social Me




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