Chinese and foreign cultural exchange ambassadors are an important bridge to promote international cultural understanding and friendship. They not only promote cultural exchanges and dissemination, but also enhance mutual understanding and respect between people of different countries. They are not only cultural communicators, but also ambassadors of friendly exchanges. Through their own practice and efforts, they have made significant contributions to cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.
Mr. Zhao Zhengke is a calligrapher, photographer, collector and connoisseur, as well as a cultural ambassador across borders. His works have participated in the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Headquarters Chinese Large Character Calligraphy Exhibition, European and American Tour Exhibition, the fifth national cursive calligraphy exhibition in 2022, the twelfth Shanghai calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition in 2023 and other important exhibitions at home and abroad.
Mr. Zhao Zhengke's main artistic achievement is to create a new art form - "calligraphy shadow art", which combines 2000 years of traditional Chinese calligraphy and 200 years of contemporary western photography. This is a pioneering art form in Shanghai and even in the whole country. The integration of "ancient, modern, Chinese and foreign" has created a new direction for the development of Shanghai style culture. The CPPCC Shanghai Municipal Committee held a solo exhibition "White Horse Not Horse: Zhao Zhengke's Artistic Works Exhibition" and held a seminar for him.
Recently, Mr. Zhao Zhengke went to Russia to participate in the "Chinese Culture and Art Exhibition" to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, and achieved great sensation. Former Russian Ambassador to China Denisov, Minister Counsellor Liu Qinghua of the Chinese Embassy in Russia, the first vice chairman of the Russia China Friendship Association Kulikova and other dignitaries and audiences of all ages came to visit, competing for group photos and exchanges, and the atmosphere was warm.
Personal Profile
Zhao Zhengke, born in November 1959 in Shanghai, has a doctor's degree. Director of the Chinese Collectors Association, member of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of the Shanghai Municipal Museum of Culture and History, member of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Calligraphy and Painting Academy, vice-chairman of the Shanghai Chinese Foreign Culture and Art Exchange Association, visiting professor of the Shanghai School of Culture Institute of Jiaotong University, vice-chairman of the Changning District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, member of the seventh committee of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, former deputy director of the cursive calligraphy special committee of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, former deputy director of the international exchange committee of large characters of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, and director of Shanghai Shen Art Museum.
2017.8 《赵正科草书册》 上海书画出版社
2018.12. 《赵正科书法选集》 上海文艺出版社
2023.3. 《白马非马:赵正科艺术作品集》 上海书画出版社
2017.8. Zhao Zhengke's Cursive Script, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House.
2018.12. Selected Works of Zhao Zhengke's Calligraphy "by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House.
2023.3 White Horse Not Horse: Collection of Zhao Zhengke's Art Works, Shanghai Calligraphy and Painting Press.
Personal exhibition situation
2019.3 在上海市政协展厅举办“赵正科书法展”
2023.6 在上海市政协展厅举办“白马非马:赵正科艺术作品展”
2023.9 在上海虹桥当代艺术馆举办“白马非马:赵正科书影艺术作品展”
In March 2019, the "Zhao Zhengke Calligraphy Exhibition" was held at the Shanghai Municipal Political Consultative Conference Exhibition Hall.
On June 2023, the "White Horse is Not a Horse: Zhao Zhengke Art Exhibition" will be held at the Shanghai Political Consultative Conference Exhibition Hall.
On March 9, 2023, the "White Horse is Not a Horse: Zhao Zhengke's Book and Shadow Art Exhibition" will be held at the Hongqiao Contemporary Art Museum in Shanghai.
2024.10 “喝彩新中国·放歌新时代”首届中国收藏家协会会员书画展获优秀作品奖
2024.9 俄罗斯世界书法博物馆举办的纪念中俄建交75周年“奥列霍沃村的中国文化”展览展出
2024.9 俄罗斯梁赞历史博物馆举办的纪念中俄建交75周年“中国文化与艺术展”展出
2024.8 新疆克拉玛依市举行的“翰墨抒同心”献礼75周年“沪风光韵”书画展展出
2024.6 “盛世华章”庆祝中华人民共和国成立75周年上海市文史研究馆馆员书画作品展展出
2024.1 镇江市美术馆举行“江南画风”长三角书画名家作品邀请展展出
2023.12 “新时代 新征程”——上海市区政协书画联展展出
2023.12 常州刘海粟美术馆举行“翰墨寄真情,丹青绘沧海”——长三角书画名家作品邀请展展出
2023.11 宁波邵洛羊美术馆举行长三角书画名家作品邀请展展出
2023.10 黄山市黄宾虹美术馆举行“寄情山水忆宾虹”书画名家作品邀请展展出
2023.9 龙华古寺举圆瑛大师圆寂七十周年纪念大会和各地书法名家书写圆瑛大师禅诗书法展展出
2023.9 太仓朱屺瞻纪念馆举行“强国复兴迎中秋,翰墨丹青贺国庆”长三角书画名家小品展展出
2023.3 上海市第十三届书法篆刻大展入展
2023.3 平湖李叔同纪念馆举办的长三角书画名家作品邀请展展出
2023.2 全国第五届草书作品展入展
2022.11 长三角艺术巡展——沪浙苏皖画院院长、艺术馆馆长作品展展出
2022.8 清风徐来——海上名家壬寅扇面展展出
2022.2 在晋江市博物馆举行的张瑞图书法品鉴会展出
2021.9 两岸心画民族义——纪念辛亥革命110周年沪台名家书法展展出
2021.7 上海市佛教协会主办的同行——上海佛教书画艺术展展出
2021.7 从石库门到宝塔山——庆祝中国共产党成立100周年上海延安两地主题作品展展 出
2021.6 百年礼赞——长三角百位书画名家庆祝建党100周年书画创作展展出
2021.6 翰墨铭初心,丹青耀党辉——上海市政协庆祝建党100周年书画创作展展出
2018.4 世博之光——上海第五届草书展展出
2017.12 修养之旅——上海书法家诗书画印作品展展出
2017.11 正大气象——纪念胡问遂诞辰100周年国际书法大展入展
2017.10 庆祝镇江中冷印社成立30周年——全国名家书法作品展展出
2017.7 庆祝建军90周年——上海市第四届草书展展出
2016.12 上海市第九届书法篆刻大展入展
2016.11 纪念孙中山150周年——上海国际书法名家作品邀请展展出
2016.10 上海市大字书法国际交流——欧美巡回展展出
2015.10 上海市大字书法国际交流——联合国成立70周年总部中国大字书法特展展出
2015.9 上海市第五届篆隶书法展入展
2015.8 上海市第三届草书大展暨纪念抗日战争胜利70周年书法展展出
2015.3 上海市大字书法国际名家作品赴泰州市巡回展展出
2014.11 第十六届上海市国际艺术节“大字书法国际大赛”展入展
2014.10 全国书法名家草书作品邀请展在嘉善市展出
2014.9 全国书法名家草书作品邀请展暨上海市第二届草书大展展出
2014.9 上海市第四届篆隶书法展入展
2014.9 纪念“八一三”淞沪抗战暨中国人民抗日战争胜利六十九周年——海峡两岸书法名 家作品邀请展展出
2013.11 上海市第三届篆隶书法展入展
2012.8 上海市第二届篆隶书法展入展
2011.7 上海市首届篆隶书法展入展
2011.5 上海市首届草书大展入展
《愿启鸿鹄志》 157X106cm
《凤凰池》 94X60cm
《残荷数点冷擎秋》 74X106cm
《残荷犹结高秋绿》 62×96cm
《行舟入画》 60X100cm
《晒翅满鱼梁》 87×59cm
《一池青波入梦来》 109X75cm
《波影如梦》 58X130cm
《秋意在清池》 105X180cm
《青山云路深》 60×88cm
《春江花月夜》 173X492cm
《如梦令·元旦》毛泽东 130X70cm
《吟茶诗》赵朴初 66X66cm
《有公无私对》 170X40cmX2
《莲花贝叶对》 180X30cmX2
《苦竹停舟对》 180X30cm×2