王起富,1947 年生于山西省平顺县,68 年中专毕业后,在大同市国营东华机械厂工作。从85 年以后偶尔拿起笔来练练,退休后开始坐下来从欧.颜、二王等历代.现代众多书家入手自学。我博采众长,融会贯通,逐渐形成了自己的一种独特的风格。2006 年在中国国际书画艺术研究会举办的“一代伟人”书展中,获“中国艺术功勋成就奖”;在参加中国收藏家协会举办的“纪念长征胜利 70 周年”书展中获“特别金奖”。
2007 年在《夕阳红中国老年书画代表作典藏》书展中获“金奖”;在《翰墨夕阳中国老年书画群贤荟萃》书展中获“特别金奖提名”。在《全国首届中老年作品收藏拍卖》展中获“金奖”;在第二届“亚欧杯”国际书画艺术大奖中获“银奖”;在庆祝“中国人民解放军成立86 周年”活动中荣获“人类杰出贡献奖一等奖”经国家书法师职称审定委员会评级认定书法职称为:”国家特级书法师”。 现任:“北京东方翰林书画院名誉院长”“中国书画家协会名誉主席”等职务。
Wang Qifu was born in Pingshun County, Shanxi Province in 1947. After graduating from a vocational school in 68 years, he worked at the state-owned Donghua Machinery Factory in Datong City. After 1985, I occasionally picked up a pen to practice, and after retirement, I began to sit down and learn from numerous modern calligraphers such as Ou Yan and Er Wang. I have absorbed the strengths of others and gradually developed my own unique style through integration. In 2006, he won the "Chinese Art Meritorious Achievement Award" at the "One Generation of Great People" book exhibition held by the China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Association; Received the "Special Gold Award" at the "Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Long March" book exhibition organized by the Chinese Collectors Association.
In 2007, he won the "Gold Award" at the book exhibition "Collection of Representative Works of Chinese Elderly Calligraphy and Painting in the Red Sun"; Received a nomination for the "Special Gold Award" at the "Collection of Chinese Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Talents at the Hanmo Sunset" book exhibition. Won the "Gold Award" at the "First National Collection and Auction of Works for the Middle and Elderly" exhibition; Won the "Silver Award" at the 2nd Asia Europe Cup International Calligraphy and Painting Art Awards; In the celebration of the 86th anniversary of the founding of the People's Liberation Army of China, he won the first prize of the "Outstanding Contribution to Humanity Award" and was rated by the National Calligrapher Title Approval Committee as a "National Super Calligrapher". Current positions include "Honorary Dean of Beijing Dongfang Hanlin Calligraphy and Painting Academy" and "Honorary Chairman of China Calligraphers and Painters Association".